Author Archives: Carol Morgan

Want to Move to a “Green” Location? Consider Charlotte

1158957_green_houses aref featInvesting in energy-efficient products and green building not only protects the environment, but it protects your family as well. Buyers looking for a healthy, “green” location for their families should consider the purchase of Carolina real estate in Charlotte, N.C.

Recently, Charlotte was named as one of the top 25 cities with the most energy-efficient buildings that received the EPA’s ENERGY STAR certification in 2010. Among the facilities that are eligible to earn the ENERGY STAR label are K-12 schools, supermarkets, bank branches, financial centers, places of worship, hospitals, offices and retailers to name a few. Your family probably frequents these types of locations often, if not on a daily basis.

So, why is this important for your family? Did you know that nearly 20 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from energy use in commercial buildings? However, ENERGY STAR certified buildings emit 35 percent less carbon dioxide and use 35 percent less energy than average buildings.

To qualify for the ENERGY STAR rating, a building must perform better than at least 75 percent of similar buildings nationwide, and be verified by a licensed professional engineer or a registered architect.

Tell us what you think: How important is energy efficiency to you?

For more information about Charlotte’s ENERGY STAR certified buildings, visit the ENERGY STAR website.

Home Builders Univeristy Offers Flexible Classes

HomeBuildersUniv_Logo squareBuilders in the Carolina real estate market know that their industry is fluid and constantly changing. What works today may be obsolete in a year or even months. Because of this, it is important to stay on top of the latest trends and developments. That’s why Home Builders University (HBU) is a great resource for continuing your online education.

Worried about fitting classes into your busy schedule? Stop and resume courses as necessary and learn at your own pace. HBU offers flexible courses that are available whenever you need them.

The University is currently offering a class called Building Exterior Shell Training (BEST).

This course takes students through real-world experiences and teaches them how to prevent common construction errors. Mark LaLiberte, an expert in the building industry, will provide insight into things that are often overlooked by professionals. And for builders who want to continue learning outside the class, downloadable checklists and guidelines are available.

HBU is focused on keeping builders up-to-date with what’s happening in the industry. Anyone interested in learning more should follow HBU on Twitter, Facebook or visit the blog. Builders should check these sites frequently to learn about upcoming classes on topics like social media and green building. For information about how HBU works or to register, visit the Home Builders University website.

RealtyJoin 2.0, Enhanced Networking Site for Industry Professionals

RealtyJoin screen grabIf you enjoyed connecting with others in the home building and Carolina real estate industries on RealtyJoin, then you’ll love the new and enhanced RealtyJoin version 2.0 that offers even more opportunity network.

RealtyJoin is the first social networking site for the entire real estate industry, serving buyers, sellers, architects, contractors, brokers, suppliers, investors, builders, designers, agents, REALTORS® and other industry professionals in the United States and Canada.

The redesigned site does everything that the original version of RealtyJoin did, but better. RealtyJoin 2.0 is user-friendly and includes upgraded navigation, enhanced profiles, video options and the ability to add photos and post status updates. There is even a WordPress blog for every user for enhanced social networking and improved interaction.

Plus, RealtyJoin users have the opportunity to connect with many high profile real estate groups including the Atlanta Board of Realtors®,, Southeast Valley Regional Association of Realtors® and RIS Media as well as award-winning and nationally syndicated columnist, blogger, bestlling author and radio talk show host Ilyce Glink.

The best part is- you get all of these great features and opportunities for free at the introductory level. For those who wouldlike further upgrades and enhancements, RealtyJoin will launch premium and executive memberships over the next several months.

For more information about RealtyJoin 2.0, visit the website, “like” RealtyJoin on Facebook or follow RealtyJoin on Twitter.

Tips For Renting Your Carolina Real Estate

for rentWould you make a good landlord? The job description doesn’t fit everyone. You may want to check out some tips for making your role as a landlord successful before you decide invest in Carolina real estate.

There is a lot of talk about investing in real estate or renting out your real estate now due to the state of the housing market. Some people are looking into the opportunity to snatch up investment properties while housing prices and interest rates are low. Others need to move in order to follow a job, but they’re current mortgages are underwater. Rather than selling at a loss, they’re opting to hold on to the property and rent it out for a time.

The Equifax Personal Finance Blog has tips for you to remember before you make the leap into renting property. Real estate expert Ilyce Glink’s article, “Real Estate Investing: How to Be a Good Landlord,” offers the benefit of her own experiences renting out properties. She also gives a summary of suggestions offered by Robert Shemin, author of Secrets of a Millionaire Real Estate Investor.

  • Don’t expect to become friends with your tenants. Keep it a business relationship because friends may expect more leeway or special treatment – perhaps being late on the rent payment or requesting extras for the home.
  • Be very clear about expectations and policies.
  • Use your current good tenants to help find your next good tenants by enlisting their help.
  • Always run a credit check on potential renters.

And what does your perspective tenant’s car have to do with anything? You’ll have to follow the link to the Equifax Personal Finance Blog to find out!

Conditions for Investing in Carolina Real Estate May Be Optimal NOW

carolina real estate for sale


Equifax Personal Finance Blog is reporting positive news in the lending environment, so maybe things are changing on the economic front. Plus, interest rates on home mortgages just moved up slightly. It may very well be that investors who want to take advantage of the sluggish market should act NOW before the cost to invest increases.

Getting started with your real estate investment business is as easy as using your personal accounts and keeping careful records of expenditures that you put toward your investment property. Then, if you find out you like it and conditions are still good, you can look at ways to formalize your business.

The Equifax article, “

Setting Up Your Real Estate Investing Business,” offers suggestions from co-founder and 20-year investor Andy Heller. He says to start your business by talking with your accountant about your goals. He or she can then advise you on setting up the type of legal entity that will work best in your situation. Many investors, he says, choose an easy-to-start LLC.

After completing the paperwork for your business, contact the IRS to get an Employee Identification Number, or EIN. Take this number to the bank, where someone specializing in working with new business should be able to get you started with the right types of accounts. You may need to shop around to find the best fit for you.

Heller offers more tips at the

Equifax Personal Finance Blog, so check them out. The Blog also offers a way to ask questions of the experts online or to contact Heller directly. If you’re serious about this, you’d better act now before rates see another increase!